Humility Resurfaces Again

2003-02-12 - 12:32 p.m.

Your Daily Horoscope for February 12, 2003

You may be running into a bit of an opposition today, based on a long-term trend that has slowly been building. The root of the problem probably has to do with a bit of self-centeredness on your part. Make sure you are paying attention to the group and acknowledging the importance of other people's needs. Remember that what you send out to the universe is exactly the energy that you will receive back.

* * *

Well doesn�t that just suck? I keep wanting to continue on my jolly way in the world, trying to enjoy myself and have fun, and then I get these lovely reminders that this year is not supposed to be about me. Damn, it�s that whole humility thing again. What�s the latest on this? Well, I guess I was just having too much fun with L2. I was enjoying myself waaay too much, even though lately it�s been me giving to him. I was enjoying it too much, I guess. [sigh]

goddess2b0811: ok, I'm sad

goddess2b0811: I think I lost my lover

Chou-Chou: L2?

Chou-Chou: Why?

goddess2b0811: He hasn't called me

goddess2b0811: He called me last week, to say he had a great time and for me to call him (that night)

goddess2b0811: that's the day I left my phone at the office, so didn�t get the mess. until the next afternoon

goddess2b0811: I called him back and said, hey, so sorry I didn't get your message, if you still want to get together we can try for tonight since BW is out

goddess2b0811: I got nothing

goddess2b0811: I called him again yesterday to see if he wanted to get together this week, nothing

Chou-Chou: Probably short notice.

goddess2b0811: yeah, but he hasn't even called me to say, thanks but no thanks

Chou-Chou: is he still in Washington?

goddess2b0811: no

goddess2b0811: even then he'd still call me

Chou-Chou: OH, I know what it is.

Chou-Chou: Female Christmas.

Chou-Chou: He's freaked.

goddess2b0811: He already knows Jessica Rabbit is going to be here

goddess2b0811: and that I'm spending v-day w/e w/her

goddess2b0811: I made it a point to tell him

goddess2b0811: do you think he'd still freak?

Chou-Chou: probably.

goddess2b0811: he does have a bad track record...

Chou-Chou: thinking he'd need to get you something.

goddess2b0811: oh, no!

goddess2b0811: he can't do that. He's not allowed

Chou-Chou: OK, and let's think about this...what man on the face of this planet believes a woman when she says that???

Chou-Chou: It's all those other women who spoiled it for us.

Chou-Chou: "No, no. Don't get me anything"

goddess2b0811: I thought I've made myself clear on these things with him (I don�t want anything from him), but I know you are right

Chou-Chou: "WHY DIDN'T YOU GET ME ANYTHING?!?!?!?!?!"

goddess2b0811: lol

goddess2b0811: ok

Chou-Chou: Find a new lover in the meantime, just like Freud's

goddess2b0811: yes, I'm already on it

goddess2b0811: the guy from Milan (the Alitalia Guy) will be here next week

goddess2b0811: we're going out next Friday

goddess2b0811: after he gets back from flying to Israel and Italy

goddess2b0811: Then, I have a sweet young thang that I met this past weekend. I swear he's like 26

goddess2b0811: LOL

Chou-Chou: that will be good for you.

goddess2b0811: I know. It's just that its like having to talk yourself to have a Milky Way when you've been having nothing but Godiva chocolates

Chou-Chou: I understand.

I should be ashamed, some people don�t even get Milky Ways. Which is why I know they wouldn�t understand�Omzy would I think. Have you guys read Omzy�s Diary? I think she�s fabulous cool. And very beautiful. She�s one of my favorites. I guess than she�s not some people then, huh?

Hee, hee. I know someone is going to write something to the effect of me being pretty self-centered. And they�d be right, at least here I am. Why shouldn�t I be? It�s not a damn newspaper column, it�s my dairy. If you can�t be a little self-centered in your diary�well, I just can�t think of a more appropriate place to be self-centered. Can you?

BTW, Fone, thank you for the note you left in my guestbook. I think in all the babbling I was doing yesterday I lost one of my points. One of my whines is that right now it�s going to take me years to get my citizenship straightened out, after the 9/11 fall. No citizenship, no vote�.permanent residency or not. There�s only so much I can be involved with, but ultimately it�s the people who VOTE who have power to change things. So no matter how much more I may know about politics, no matter how much I may be angered by them, there�s not much I can do. That�s one of the reasons BW and similar apathetic people frustrate me with their bitching. Aside for praying for my kids, there�s not much more I can do. I can�t jeopardize being seen as too radical, it might affect my citizenship application, you follow? Now talk to me a couple of years after I get my citizenship�.I hope your questioning me means you are actually involved in something other than bitching, like BW. That would rock! And if would also mean you are not apathetic.

BTW, if you are still interested in knowing what my religion is: I�m spiritual, not religious. I grew up Catholic. I still go to Catholic church when I need comfort, but I don�t really practice that religion. I�ve studied the main branches quite a bit (Judaism, Christianity, Muslim) and I believe that, at heart, they all pretty much have the same ground stones, it�s what was put on those ground stones that makes them different. So I can�t really associate with one religion.

Oh, and the thing about the Roman citizens voting for the politicians who threw the best parties? It�s true, you can look that one up.

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What you might have missed:

Quick Note/ Nota Rapida - 2003-08-27

Enough with the bad days/ Bastan los dias malos - 2003-08-25

L2 Broke up with me/ L2 Rompio conmigo - 2003-08-20

Blackout 2003; Summer�s Sexiest/ Apagon del 2003; Los Mas Sexy del Verano - 2003-08-18

Birthday Recap; I need Sex Therapy/ Resume de Cumpleanos; Necesito Terapia de Sexo - 2003-08-12

This diary is about my life. The stories are mine. You can�t have them, except to read. If you want to write a story, TV show, or movie about them or my life, you need my permission. My opinions are that: MY OPINIONS. If you get offended, get your own. All names have been changed.