Another Great Sex Session

2003-02-04 - 2:28 p.m.

goddess2b0811: L2 spent the night last night

Chou-Chou: Anddddddddddd

goddess2b0811: In sympathy to you, I distracted him from kissing the kitty

goddess2b0811: but I won't go 10 weeks!

Chou-Chou: LOL. I wouldn't imagine you to.

goddess2b0811: poor thing, he was soo tired this morning

goddess2b0811: I don't think we've had this much sex since we first started having it

goddess2b0811: the problem now is that we've upped the ante

Chou-Chou: nothing wrong with taking a step back.

goddess2b0811: very true.

goddess2b0811: he came over about 9

goddess2b0811: after we had sex twice I let him nap

goddess2b0811: then I woke him up

Chou-Chou: my goodness

goddess2b0811: then I let him nap

goddess2b0811: then I woke him up about 1:30

goddess2b0811: then I woke him up again at about 4:30

goddess2b0811: so cool, its like I found a new "on" switch for him. hee, hee

Chou-Chou: 'where?

goddess2b0811: close to where we talked about last time

goddess2b0811: He kept saying something about how he was "done" each time, but now I'm beginning to think he's just a liar

Chou-Chou: hehehehe.

goddess2b0811: although, it does have its limits

goddess2b0811: or I felt sorry for him. lol

goddess2b0811: he said something about me trying to kill him, but I replied "Not so! THEN what would I DO?"

Chou-Chou: lol

goddess2b0811: "I mean no one else can take me"

goddess2b0811: {insert more ego stroking here}

goddess2b0811: anyway after that last go round, i slept like a log until I heard BW get up

goddess2b0811: Oh, I'm also going back to thinking I'm sex deprived, because I never seem to get enough.

Chou-Chou: naw, you just want more because you got alot recently.

Chou-Chou: kinda like godiva chocolates.

Chou-Chou: always want more after you've had some.

Chou-Chou: But now that we're not eating it, we don�t miss it

goddess2b0811: speak for yourself!

goddess2b0811: Are you forgetting I was an evil man in my immediate past life?

goddess2b0811: The only time I don't want sex is when I'm PMSing

Chou-Chou: you're also going through biological clock. I'm not (yet)

goddess2b0811: is that what the over-sexed 30s are about?

Chou-Chou: for women yes

goddess2b0811: you know what this means?

goddess2b0811: This means that nature is telling us that THIS is the right time for having kids, if you want them. The way that other animals know its mating season

goddess2b0811: ever though about it that way?

Chou-Chou: yes, of course.

goddess2b0811: I don't know what Grandma was talkin about

goddess2b0811: LOL


You know, I should be tired today. I really should. And my nose is again slowly dripping like a leaky faucet (very un-Goddess like). But my hair looks great (as always) and I�m wearing a dress straight out of the Goddess Classics Collection. It�s a very soft faux-suede mini-dress with long sleeves and it zips up front. It�s camel colored and I�m wearing my (this season�s) burnt brown high heeled boots.

L2 came over last night, late. I�m really going to miss that guy when he decides to break it off. I mean good sex is hard enough to find, but GREAT sex, that is twice as hard. Oh, well! We must enjoy while we can, and enjoy I do!!


P. S. � Got another $253,000 back from the Evil Bank Hussy. HA!

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What you might have missed:

Quick Note/ Nota Rapida - 2003-08-27

Enough with the bad days/ Bastan los dias malos - 2003-08-25

L2 Broke up with me/ L2 Rompio conmigo - 2003-08-20

Blackout 2003; Summer�s Sexiest/ Apagon del 2003; Los Mas Sexy del Verano - 2003-08-18

Birthday Recap; I need Sex Therapy/ Resume de Cumpleanos; Necesito Terapia de Sexo - 2003-08-12

This diary is about my life. The stories are mine. You can�t have them, except to read. If you want to write a story, TV show, or movie about them or my life, you need my permission. My opinions are that: MY OPINIONS. If you get offended, get your own. All names have been changed.