Not your average woman

2003-01-03 - 3:13 p.m.

I really should have gotten some peon deal with the entire diary set up. I'm supposed to be writing about my life, not dealing with petty things like PayPal not letting me pay with my credit card simply because I have an account set up with them with my bank information. I'll just deal with that next week, otherwise I'll end up with my stress line (I get one on my forhead when I start getting bothered.)

I am so ready to leave the office. I have one boss out of town, the other on vacation.

Tonight will be football night. Ohio State vs. Miami U. I'm rooting for Miami, of course.

L2 will be rooting for Ohio State, his old school. blah! Every person I've met that went to Ohio State has been quite flaky, including L2. Granted, he might have been spared some, as he went to Princeton after that. For the record, I'm not generalizing, I'm simply speaking from experience.

L2, unbeknowst to him is working on changing my mind, but so far he's doing a bad job. Why? Well, L2 is my boy toy, by his choice. How'd THAT happen? Well, we started dating, and we came to a fork in the road. I told him that there was a good chance I could get very attached to him and if he wasn't boyfriend material, he needed to speak up because at that point and time I could go either way....I simply can't stand misunderstandings on such things. He misunderstood me and apparently read "Either you will be my boyfriend or leave." So he opted to break it off with me...right before my birthday. Anyone that knows anything about Leos (I am proudly one of them) knows that you really shouldn't try to ruin a Leo's bday.

Frankly, if he wasn't so fantastic in bed, I would have never looked back. But since he is, and since I gave him the benefit of the doubt....honestly, women like me are rare...I explained to him, in more delicate terms, that what I was asking was "Are you boyfriend material or boytoy material?"

Thankfully, that Princeton education must have come in handy and he deduced that I was being honest and would not try to entrap him into marriage or something. Being that I admit he is highly intelligent why do I think he's flaky? Because he is not following the boytoy actions. He keeps asking caring questions about my life, and boytoys simply don't have that right. You might say, Goddess, maybe he's trying to be more than a boytoy. If that were so he might take me up on an offer to accompany me to any number of events that come up in my daily life. He doesn't want to be part of my life, but he wants me to THINK he does. =)

Good think I'm not the average woman. Good for me!

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What you might have missed:

Quick Note/ Nota Rapida - 2003-08-27

Enough with the bad days/ Bastan los dias malos - 2003-08-25

L2 Broke up with me/ L2 Rompio conmigo - 2003-08-20

Blackout 2003; Summer�s Sexiest/ Apagon del 2003; Los Mas Sexy del Verano - 2003-08-18

Birthday Recap; I need Sex Therapy/ Resume de Cumpleanos; Necesito Terapia de Sexo - 2003-08-12

This diary is about my life. The stories are mine. You can�t have them, except to read. If you want to write a story, TV show, or movie about them or my life, you need my permission. My opinions are that: MY OPINIONS. If you get offended, get your own. All names have been changed.